Hardware-level languages let us structurally define functions that map to machine instructions, are portable, provide direct access to system memory, and have low execution times. Littlechip Engineering specialise at efficient programming at this level, which is critical to the success of any project that’s hardware-resource-limited or battery operated—where low power consumption is key.
For API development, we utilise higher level languages. These can be particularly useful for building systems that integrate with embedded components, simplifying access to hardware. Other common tasks for high-level languages include data analytics, software solutions for complex engineering tasks, simulation, machine learning and non-graphical background applications.
Mathematical analysis
If your project requires in-depth data manipulation, analyses or simulation, we employ software environments that specialise in statistical computing and graphics. The IDE we utilise provides a bunch of useful pre-built mathematical tools that are easy and quick to implement. These tools often provide an excellent starting point at the beginning of a project to guide further development.