Communicating with the Dobot Magician using raw protocol

I got this little robot a while ago as part of a larger project and I have to say it’s very good value for money, and from what I’m told the accompanying documentation is great—if you can speak Chinese.

Unfortunately, the English documentation provided by the manufacturer is somewhat lacking, and the Dobot forum isn’t very active. So, after struggling with the official Matlab API, giving up, followed by some more pain trying to interpret the Magician Communication Protocol document, I have decided to release this post with the aim of sparing someone the trouble when using this manipulator outside of the official Magician Studio software.

Throughout this guide I’ll be drawing from the Dobot Magician Communication Protocol user manual (v1.1.3). I suggest you have this document handy for reference while reading this post.

Admittedly I have only interfaced with the Magician via USB but according to the manual, this protocol is the same regardless of mode of communication. Serial port parameters:

Parameter Value
Baud rate 115,200 bps
Data bits 8
Stop bit 1
Parity bit None

For the sake of simplicity and understanding, I have included decimal values in each of my figures. Before continuing, you should make sure you’re familiar with decimal, hexadecimal and binary conversions.

The Magician command protocol length is not fixed, and command packets consist of a header, payload length descriptor, the payload itself and a checksum. Packets are made up of 8-bit characters. Each character is represented by two hex values. The Magician executes and responds to a received packet immediately, provided it has been correctly interpreted.

Dobot comms are little-endian. This means the order of hex values might be flipped compared to what you’re used to. This is important for multi-character sub-packets like the 32-bit float values used to represent arm position. I’ll illustrate this with a later example.

Let’s see what a getPose command looks like (command to get the current position of the Dobot).

Hex AA AA 02 0A 00 - F6
Dec 170 170 2 10 0 - 246
Header Len ID Ctrl Params Checksum

Header. The first two characters in each command are always 0xAAAA, which signifies the beginning of a new packet.

Len. This character denotes the number of payload characters.

Payload. The structure of the payload portion of each instruction packet can be found in the communication protocol document and varies with each command, but always begins with the ID and Ctrl sub-packets. Note the user manual references the ID command descriptor as a decimal, rather than its hex value which is communicated to the Dobot.

The Ctrl sub-packet indicates whether a command is queued (isQueue) and specifies a read [0] or write [1] instruction (RW). Only the last two bits within the Ctrl sub-packet are manipulated:

Hex Ctrl Binary
isQueue RW
00 0 0 0000 0000
01 0 1 0000 0001
03 1 1 0000 0011

The RW bit is toggled HIGH for commands that write information such as SetHOMECmd (ID 31) or SetPTPCmd (ID 84), and LOW for commands that only read information, such as getDeviceTime (ID 4) or getPose (ID 10).

The isQueue bit can be used to queue several commands and run them in their received order. By default, the run queue command buffer is set to true, which means that queued commands will be executed as soon as they are received. To construct a queue of commands, queue execution must first be halted with the SetQueuedCmdStopExec command (ID 241). Once paused, instructions sent to the Magician will be saved in series and can be played in order with the SetQueuedCmdStartExec command (ID 240). Note that the returned packet will be different depending on isQueue status. If the isQueue bit is toggled HIGH, a 64-bit index will be returned within the payload. Read commands are not queued, which means a Ctrl value of 0x02 is not used.

The returned value of Ctrl is always 0x00.

Checksum. The checksum value is calculated based only on the payload portion of a command and used to both signify the end of an instruction and provide some assurance that data has been transmitted correctly. The checksum for the getPose command (above) is calculated as follows:

  • First sum all the values in the payload—including ID and Ctrl. This sum must always be 8 bits long. If the calculated value is larger than 255, it must be truncated so that only the 8 least significant bits are kept. 277 (1 0001 0101) for example, will become 21 (0001 0101). The sum for the getPose command is 10 (10 + 0).

  • The two’s complement of the sum can then be calculated in decimal as 256 – sum. In this case it is 246 (256-10).

  • Finally, convert this value to a two-digit hexadecimal number: 0xF6.


The getPose command may not be a very clear example as it doesn’t contain any multi-valued sub-packets, so let’s analyse the returned pose packet we might get from the Magician:

Hex AA AA 22 0A 00 83 35 16 43 A4 93 8F BF 10 67 A0 41 48 0F DB BE 00 31 A3 BE DD B8 FB BE F0 C8 4D 42 00 00 00 00 F1
Dec 170 170 34 10 0 131 53 22 67 164 147 143 191 16 103 160 65 72 15 219 190 0 49 163 190 221 184 251 190 240 200 77 66 0 0 0 0 241
Header Len ID Ctrl X Y Z r Base angle Rear arm angle Fore arm angle Effector angle Checksum

In this case, each positional sub-packet within the returned payload params segment is a 32-bit little-endian floating-point number. If you would like the float value of this number, I would recommend this tool. Converting each sub-packet, we get the Cartesian coordinates of the Magician:

X Y Z r
Hex 83351643 A4938FBF 1067A041 480FDBBE
Float 150.209 -1.12169 20.0503 -0.427851

We also get the joint angle of each arm:

Base angle Rear arm angle Fore arm angle Effector angle
Hex 0031A3BE DDB8FBBE F0C84D42 00000000
Float -0.318733 -0.491645 51.4462 0

For clarity, I have included the checksum calculation:

  • Sum: 3,599 (10+0+131+53+22+67+164+147+143+191+16+103+160+65+72+15+219+190+0+49+163+190+221+184+251+190+240+200+77+66+0+0+0+0)

  • Sum in binary: ‘1110 0000 1111’ (3,599)

  • 8 LSB: ‘0000 1111’ (15)

  • 2’s complement: 241 (256-15)

  • Hexadecimal representation: 0xF1


Additional commands:

SetHomeCmd (ID 31): homes the Dobot Magician.

Hex AA AA 06 1F 03 00 00 00 00 DE
Dec 170 170 6 31 3 0 0 0 0 222
Header Len ID Ctrl uint32 Checksum

SetPTPCmd (ID 84): moves the Magician to the specified coordinates. (X: 250, Y: 150, Z: 50, R: 150).

Hex AA AA 13 54 03 01 00 00 7A 43 00 00 16 43 00 00 48 42 00 00 16 43 AF
Dec 170 170 19 84 3 1 0 0 122 67 0 0 22 67 0 0 72 66 0 0 22 67 175
Header Len ID Ctrl ptpmode X Y Z R Checksum

SetPTPJointParams (ID 83): sets the acceleration and top speed multipliers. (Vel ratio: 20, Acc ratio: 40).

Hex AA AA 0A 53 03 00 00 A0 41 00 00 20 42 67
Dec 170 170 10 83 3 0 0 160 65 0 0 32 66 103
Header Len ID Ctrl Vel ratio Acc ratio Checksum

A final note on the official Dobot Magician Communication Protocol document. Keep in mind the decimal values of Len and ID used throughout and must be converted to hexadecimal for communication. This document is also incomplete, somewhat confusing and contains some mistakes, but to be fair, they did give a brief disclaimer.

For my project, I used the Magician with Matlab and implemented my own library to bypass the Matlab API—which I found to be very problematic. Most of the information within this post was gained by using a combination of the user manual and analysis of the traffic sent to the Dobot by the official Magician Studio software. If you are still struggling to communicate with this little robot, I suggest capturing the packet information at the hardware level using a packet sniffer such as Wireshark.

Good luck and enjoy the development process!


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